Confusion, Kerfuffle, Confabulation oh my.

Below is a response sent today to someone wondering about the mornings ICW talk. I have not included even a summarized portion of the original email. Didn’t seem the way to go. So what you have hear is one side of the conversation. The other side is left to inference.

I hear what you are saying. And, yes, it gets hot on occasion and it gets hard at the bottom of the bowl.

The particular practice that was/is being presented through the Ashram Ground Floor City Planners experiment would not have been facilitated by handing out step by step directions with proper preparation and planning. Continue reading

Intro to SlimeMold Telepathy Course

Half of the method for telepathy is learning to look in the right place. The other half of the method for telepathy is learning to stop looking in the wrong places.

When listening to your own mind ramble on, the associated thoughts, impressions, pictures, perceptions, and feelings all seem to originate from a place that many of us call “inside my head.” When telepathically in touch with another, his or her thoughts, impressions, pictures, perceptions, and feelings will also seem to originate from that same place — the one called “inside my head.” Why heck darn when you get right down to it every thought, impression, picture, perception, and feeling is rattling around in that place you have come to call “inside my head.” Continue reading

Lucid Living

The phrase “Lucid Living” intentionally draws inference from “Lucid Dreaming.”  The goal of Lucid Dreaming is to awaken in the dream coming into an awareness of self — with operational presence and attention.

Lucid Living has a similar goal: to awaken coming into an awareness of self with operational presence and attention.  Only in Lucid Living one is wakening while in the walking around sleep state rather than the horizontal sawing logs sleeping state.

Your dreaming carries on with or without your awake presence. In the same fashion your life carries on with or without your awake presence. Continue reading