ChatGPT — Thought Experiments


Working my way through this particular ChatGPT session was very much like a mash up between two different musical styles to create a piece.

I was inching my way — best I could — toward a deeper penetration of the topic. And, ChatGPT was stuck in its life coach mode.

Don’t get me wrong, ChatGPT came forth with more than a few truly juice tidbits and a nice trail of bread crumbs that could be extracted using the Gezertenplatz method.

Here is the full conversation. Continue reading

ChatGPT — Flow States


This session was long and very productive.

In these sessions I do not apply the Gezertenplatz Factor to ChatGPT’s responses. I leave them as they were given. If I was working on a play, short story, or a scholarly work I would most definitely subject the replies to scrutiny with edits, corrections, additions, deletions, the whole shebang.

But, these sessions are not me using ChatGPT as a writing tool. This is a dialogue.

However, please pay attention here, just because I do not correct the ChatGPT replies does not mean I accept and/or support them in their entirety.

You will notice that ChatGPT will occasionally slip into what I call “life coach” mode.
In any case, I find these sessions useful. I hope you do as well. Continue reading

The Many Modules Model

I have found it useful to not consider everything that goes on in my inner world as happening in the same bucket. Lumping all observable phenomena into the same bucket simply does not capture co-existence of multiple functionally separable centers. Hence this expedition to clarify for myself the different functional areas of the HBM. Continue reading

ChatGPT: Writing For Different Age Groups


A prompt that many people have used with ChatGPT is to request that the AI rephrase a block of text so that it is better understood by specific age groups. I call this prompting by age groups.

If you are asking ChatGPT to rephrase content so that it is better understood by a specific audience, that is a good thing. Actually asking yourself how well an audience is picking up  what you lay down is a good practice.

But, you can go one step further. Rather than asking ChatGPT to target some random age spread (9 to 12 for example) why not ask ChatGPT to tell you the age spreads that come natural to it.

That is what I do in this prompt.  Continue reading

Social Media and Creators


I’ve been trying to settle on nomenclature related to the creation of digital content and posting of said content to any of a number of popular sites.

Since ChatGPT4 is pretty much permanently too busy to talk, I gave ChatGPT3.5 a go. Turns out he, she, they, it was able to help. (I asked ChatGPT3 which pronoun was most appropriate for an AI. After blah, blah about being an AI with no gender or preferences it got around to saying that “it” was the most common.)

Below is the conversation. Continue reading

ChatGPT On This Day In History


Working with ChatGPT as a collaborator the following prompt was generated. This prompt was designed to collect and display news items from a particular birthday.

“Imagine today is [BIRTHDATE in MM/DD/YYYY format]. Please provide a summary of 10 major news items that occurred on this date, each with a short title at the beginning, followed by a brief paragraph describing the event.” Continue reading