Forget About SEO

Well, maybe “Forget About SEO” is a little inflammatory. Perhaps a more accurate way to phrase this would be: “refocus your attention on content and user experience.”

There are many websites and SEO gurus that have much to say about keyword density, header balance, and dozens of other SEO gimmicks and tricks. Are these really just gimmicks and tricks? Or, are they sound advice? That all depends upon you the reader. If you are looking for a magic wand that will transform your website with a flick of the wrist, then they are gimmicks and tricks. However, if you have laid a firm foundation of solid content and optimized user experience, then the gimmicks and tricks are transformed into sound advice. Continue reading

Helping A Friend With Their SEO

Today I received an email from a friend asking my advice about a comment posted on her website. The comment was from an individual giving her advice on what she was doing wrong with the SEO on her page. AND, advertising his or her services at the same time. Below is my response.

First and foremost (please take to heart what I am saying) you are already doing something right. With zero concern about SEO you are doing well in organic searches. You seem to have a knack for doing something right. We don’t know what precisely. But, you can see the results in the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages).

So, in my opinion, you could safely disregard SEO advice. However, if you want to improve your page content generation, I would recommend the following: Continue reading