Moving the Needle

The Setup

“Move the needle” is an expression that conjures a powerful visual metaphor for making progress towards a goal. It’s especially useful for conceptualizing progress on goals that are large-scale, or those requiring a long span of time and/or substantial effort to complete.

However, tracking progress isn’t always as simple as observing a gauge or meter. Some goals are of such a nature that measuring progress is challenging, if not downright elusive.

Here is a possible solution. Determine sub-tasks that are component parts or contributing factors for the completion of the target grand goal.

When determining the sub-tasks, it might help to consider that these “sub-tasks” fall into two categories. These categories are based on their relation to the larger goal: one implies a sequence (either in time or accomplishment), while the other is less specific about the sequence and offers a degree of fluidity.

Group 1 (Sequenced):

  • Stepping Stones: These are smaller, achievable tasks that guide someone toward their ultimate goal – the name implying a sequence of steps taken one after the other.
  • Phases: If the larger goal can be segmented into distinct segments, each phase can represent a smaller, measurable component of the main goal.
  • Stages: This term is similar to “phases,” but suggests a more linear progression towards the larger goal.
  • Benchmarks: This term refers to specific standards or reference points against which progress can be measured.

Group 2 (Not Necessarily Sequenced):

  • Mini-goals: This term suggests each small goal is part of a larger objective.
  • Building Blocks: This metaphor emphasizes that each task is a necessary component of the overarching goal.
  • Elements: This term implies that each task is an essential part of the whole.
  • Component Tasks: These are smaller tasks that form parts of a larger whole. The word “component” reminding us that the sub-task is a necessary portion of the whole.
  • Sub-Tasks: These are smaller tasks that contribute to the larger goal without necessarily implying a linear or chronological progression.
  • Contributing Factors: These are tasks that contribute to the larger goal without specifying the order or manner of their accomplishment.
  • Targets: This term suggests a focus on specific points within a broader process.
  • Objectives: These are specific and measurable steps that assist in reaching a bigger goal. Unlike some of the other terms, “objectives” doesn’t necessarily imply a time-ordered sequence.

To keep things simple, I’ll use the term “sub-task” to refer to any component contributing to the achievement of the overarching goal.

So, what’s the deal with listing the thesaurus entries? Well, I figured that when you begin the process of notating sub-tasks, it might be useful to have access to these different perspectives.

Weren’t We Talking About “Moving The Needle”?

Indeed, we were. The goal is to figure out how to gauge progress toward a goal when that progress is challenging to measure.

Wait a minute. Why do we care about measuring our progress toward the completion of a goal? Simple: it’s beneficial to have a means to verify whether we’re moving in the right direction and making any progress. Additionally, it’s encouraging to witness the needle move, no matter how slightly.

So, Measure The Progress of Sub-Tasks

Here’s a Step-By-Step Plan:

  1. Identify the sub-tasks that are component parts or contributing factors in the completion of the target grand goal.
  2. For any or all of these sub-tasks, identify measurable milestones.
  3. Tackle these sub-tasks.
  4. Pay a modicum of attention to milestones reached on the sub-tasks.
  5. Periodically take note of the milestones achieved and acknowledge that “the needle has moved,” “I am moving the needle,” or whatever phrase resonates with you.

A Few Tips:

When working on Step 1, make sure to keep notes. There may come a time when you’ll question your reasoning behind considering a certain task as a sub-task. “What on earth made me think that _______ was a sub-task of my goal?” you might wonder.

When such moments arise, refer to your notes to refresh your memory. Whether or not it truly was a sub-task, you believed it to be at one point. And perhaps you were right. So, do keep notes.

ChatGPT’s Two-Cents

Me: Could you please check my blog for grammar and all that language stuff :) And, by the way, is there anything that I should have addressed in the blog but didn’t?

ChatGPT: You might consider exploring the following additional points to enhance your blog post:

  • The role of motivation and perseverance in achieving large goals: You might discuss how sustaining motivation over a long period of time or for a large goal can be a challenge, and how breaking down the goal into sub-tasks can help maintain motivation.
  • The psychological aspect of goal achievement: You could delve into the concept of “small wins,” how they can boost a person’s confidence, and how they play a part in eventual success.
  • Different tools or apps for tracking progress: There are numerous digital tools available that can help individuals track their progress on various sub-tasks. Mentioning a few might provide practical value to your readers.
  • Real-life examples or case studies: Personal stories or case studies that illustrate the concepts you’re discussing can make the information more relatable and engaging for readers.
  • The potential pitfalls of not tracking progress: Discussing the consequences of not keeping track of sub-task progress could further underline the importance of your message.