Any Game — Recipes for Spiritual Gaming off to the press.

The book has been sent to the printers as of last week. Folks seem to like the cover well enough, and the contents have been getting some rave reviews. The results from the test groups have been very encouraging.

As predicted many months ago when starting this project, we did have a few folks that were a little annoyed by the lack of theory (or preaching as I think of it). This book was designed with one, and only one goal, in mind — give people the tools necessary so that they can have their own spiritual gaming experience and find out for themselves what it’s all about.

To this end, I have kept discussion of what to expect, or what might happen to a bare minimum. Instead there is recipe after recipe which anyone can use to cook up their own spiritual gaming adventure.

Forgive the above, my publisher requested some sound bytes on the book. Since I was here and the words were popping in the head, I thought I’d try out a few.