Notepad+ Was Already Installed Yay!

While waiting for the to download (127meg) I figured to fight my way through the install of Notepad+ from Rogsoft. It is an ancient piece of software that I happen to love as a replacement for the standard windows notepad.

Available at as an archival download this replacement for notepad is worth the hassle (as far as I’m concerned.) It will edit huge (big big) files, and has many nice features missing from the standard notepad.exe

The hassle part comes from my desire to replace notepad with this program rather than just install then edit every stupid association to point to the new program. Turns out there exist more than a few hard coded references to the notepad.exe file. Leastwise it seems that way to me. So, I go through the trouble of poking and poking and prodding my way through a replacement.

I’m sure there is a systematic approach to this. But for me it mostly involves copying in the file, windows replaces the new file with the old (original [proper]) version. I turn off one option or another, copy in the file, windows replaces the new file again. I try turning off yet another restore option or other and retry. After doing this enough, windows will eventually give up.

Of course I need to replace the file in several folders (including some hidden system folders). If you do a search on notepad*.* and select the look in hidden/system folders that helps.