A Beginner’s Prosperity Path Question

Recently received had an email exchange from a new Prosperity Path Orb user in which the following questions came up. I think they were very genuine and insightful questions. So, I thought I’d post them hear along with my attempt at an intentionally partial answer.

“I still seem to be missing a big piece of this puzzle.  I don’t understand the orb process, the point of the journey through these places and what my goal is.  I’m sure over time I’ll find a help button that will shed some light on this.  I’m wondering if I am missing this part of the process because the installation is incomplete.”

I think your comments hit the nail on the head.

I have lived most (if not all) of my life with the feeling that I was missing a big piece of the puzzle. Folks around me didn’t even seem to notice the existence of the puzzle let along the part about missing pieces. :)

The process, point of the journey, and what my goal is…. these are big questions.

I know you were meaning to direct these questions to the orbs in particular. But, I believe they are great questions in the larger sense too.

However, for the moment, I think trying to answer these questions in particular as they apply to the Orbs is the way to go.

So in relation to the orbs: what is the process, point of the journey, and what would one’s goal be?

I don’t understand the orb process.

The process is best defined as repetition.

Once or twice a day (or more often if you feel inclined) you open the orb and make your way through the orb from the beginning to the end.

The beginning is clear — that is the place you appear when you first enter the orb.

The end is clear — that is the place that when you get there the orb closes and you are directed to the urthgame.com webpage.

The “make your way through” is very fuzzy.

“Make your way through” could be a straight shot, running from one end to the other.

Or, “make your way through” could be wandering around looking at things, exploring, listening to different sounds, getting lost, finding stuff, whatever you feel inclined to do.

“Make your way through” will in all likelihood change from run to run and day to day and week to week. That part is not set and is left as your process of discovery.

What is the “point of the journey”?

The answer to this question will change over time and evolve as you gain experience with the Orb. In the beginning you might say that the point of the journey is to have made the journey.

Let me explain.

As you go through an Orb your character and you both are subjected to sounds, sights, and spatial changes. The combination of sounds, sights and spatial experience is designed to clean karma and in each case accomplish a specific effect. In the Detox Orb for example, running through the Orb will help to clean karma and help you detox on a deep inner level. Running the Humiliation Orb on the other hand will clean karma and help process issues related to humiliation. This can be resolving root issues that make one susceptible to humiliation or cleansing one of the after effects of already experienced humiliation.

Are these the only aspects of the process? Nah. There is more that goes on in the Orbs as one runs through them. For example, every time you run an orb you are making an affirmation. Only this type of affirmation is not a verbal type. It is an affirmation made through action. For example, running the Detox Orb is a very clear affirmation that I am intent on detox myself. How do I know I am intent on this aim? Because my fingers are being directed to push buttons, my hands are being directed to move a mouse, my eyes are being directed to watch a video screen, my ears are being directed to listen and process sounds, and my butt is being directed to keep itself planted in a chair until the whole process is over :)

All of this is a very clear affirmation of my intention. Words are cheap, doing is stronger.

But this affirmation thing is only an example of one of many additional processes that occur as one runs through the orbs. You will discover many for yourself.

What is my goal?

The goal part “and, what would one’s goal be?” is very personal.

The Orbs have a natural filtration process. They tend to be only supportive of higher goals. For example, if you have a goal of wishing well to someone in a bad situation, the Orbs work well in support of such a goal.

All in all, they represent a wide variety of possibilities when viewed on a broad basis.

Fortunately for each individual it is very simple. We each have a vague notion of our individual goals. Admittedly vague, but vague can be good enough. We can take that and totally run with it.

I had a very vague goal (many decades ago) that I wanted to help others that were also looking for this missing piece of the puzzle. While my vision of this goal was vague, that was sufficient to help me discern which foot to put in front of the other.

And, putting one foot in front of the other is often all the path we are privy to at any given time.