Asking ChatGPT For Prompts

A “prompt” is the text you send to ChatGPT when making a request. “What is the definition of vivify?” is a prompt. “Write five example sentences to demonstrate the use of vivify.” is also a prompt.

Something you may or may not have thought of is: you can ask ChatGPT for help on formulating prompts.

Here’s an example.

Me: Hello

ChatGPT:  Hello! How can I assist you today?

Me: Could you list some effective prompt formulas that I could use when working with ChatGPT? Is this something you can do?

ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are some effective prompt formulas that you can use when working with ChatGPT:

  1. “What is [topic] and how does it work?” – This is a good prompt for gaining a general understanding of a topic and how it functions.
  2. “Can you explain the concept of [topic] in simple terms?” – This is a good prompt for obtaining an easy-to-understand explanation of a topic.
  3. “What are the benefits and drawbacks of [idea]?” – This is a good prompt for exploring the pros and cons of a concept or idea.
  4. “How has [event/technology/person] impacted society?” – This is a good prompt for examining the influence of a particular event, technology, or person on society.
  5. “What are some ways to [solve a problem]?” – This is a good prompt for generating ideas and solutions for a problem or challenge.
  6. “What are some common misconceptions about [topic]?” – This is a good prompt for clarifying misunderstandings about a particular topic.
  7. “What are the different types of [object/phenomenon] and how do they differ?” – This is a good prompt for exploring the variations and distinctions among different types of things.

I hope these prompts are helpful!

Me: Yes, those are very helpful. Thank you. Could you now focus on text editing and give me some prompts for rewriting, expanding, summarizing, etc. ?

ChatGPT: Sure! Here are some prompts for text editing:

  1. “Can you summarize this paragraph in one or two sentences?” – This prompt can help you practice summarizing information to its essential points.
  2. “Could you provide more details about [specific aspect]?” – This prompt can help you expand on a particular aspect of a text, allowing you to delve more deeply into a topic.
  3. “How could this sentence be rephrased to make it more concise?” – This prompt can help you practice rewriting sentences to be more concise and clear.
  4. “Can you provide an example to illustrate this point?” – This prompt can help you clarify the meaning of a concept by providing a concrete example.
  5. “How could this paragraph be structured to better convey its main idea?” – This prompt can help you improve the organization of a paragraph or section of a text to more effectively communicate its main idea.
  6. “What is the author’s argument, and how could it be strengthened?” – This prompt can help you practice identifying an author’s main argument, and thinking critically about how it could be improved or strengthened.
  7. “Can you identify any unnecessary or redundant information in this text?” – This prompt can help you practice editing for clarity and concision, by identifying and eliminating information that is not necessary or redundant.
    I hope these prompts are helpful for your text editing practice!