ChatGPT: Fluid Viewpoints And The Meta-View


What started as a poke at the bear of marketing ended in a nice discussion about the value of shifting viewpoints/perspective and the need for a meta-view.

The Beginning

The beginning prompt is a simple copy/paste from my author’s page on Gateways.

The “Is there anything you would add?” was a ploy to see what ChatGPT would do with the existing text — without influencing the direction it would look. Basically a shot in the dark to see where it would go.

Prompt: “I know there exists a multitude of books that profess to tell you “how it is.” That’s not my way. First of all my model of “how it is” happens to be fluid. I learned this in physics. If one is trying to calculate the effect of a jet airplane colliding with a bird at mach 2 it is fair to consider the bird as a spherical mass. However, if you are trying to determine the genus species of the bird and check it for parasites it does not work to assume the bird is a spherical mass. A different model is required.

“So if the books aren’t about “how it is” what are they? I think lab manuals would be a close approximation. A collection of guided experiments that contain within their execution gateways into other realities and ways of being in the world — whatever that is. Then it is left to the reader to create their own view of “how it is.”

Is there anything you would add?

ChatGPT4: I agree with your perspective that there is no one-size-fits-all model of “how it is.” Reality is complex, and our understanding of it often requires multiple models or frameworks depending on the context. In addition, people have unique experiences and backgrounds that shape their perceptions and interpretations of the world.

To expand on your analogy of lab manuals, I would add that these books can be thought of as a repository of diverse ideas, perspectives, and experiences that can be used as tools for personal growth and self-discovery. They provide opportunities for readers to explore different ways of thinking and being, which can ultimately help them develop their own unique worldview.

Moreover, I would emphasize the importance of open-mindedness and curiosity as essential qualities in approaching these books. By being willing to question our assumptions and challenge our beliefs, we can gain valuable insights and broaden our understanding of the world.

Lastly, I would suggest that engaging in dialogue with others can be another effective way to develop one’s perspective on “how it is.” Conversations with people from different backgrounds and experiences can offer alternative viewpoints and expose us to new ideas, further enriching our understanding of the world and our place in it.

Prompt: Thank you for that addition. If I didn’t know better I would think you have read my books.

The Game Is About To Be Afoot

ChatGPT4: As an AI language model, I don’t read books in the traditional sense, but I have been trained on a vast amount of text from various sources, including books, articles, and websites. My primary goal is to assist and provide insights based on the knowledge I have accumulated during my training.

If your books share similar ideas or themes as those I have mentioned, it’s likely because these concepts resonate with many people and are found across a wide range of literature. The ideas of open-mindedness, curiosity, and engaging in dialogue are essential for personal growth and understanding the complexity of the world around us.

If you have any specific questions about your books or would like further input, feel free to ask, and I’d be happy to help.

ChatGPT’s Take On The Value of Shifting Perspectives

Prompt: Actually, I have an inquiry I’d like to explore. I believe it can be useful to consider adopting of different perspectives as a form of self-prompting.

ChatGPT4: Adopting different perspectives as a form of self-prompting can indeed be a valuable approach to personal growth, problem-solving, and understanding the world around us. By considering multiple viewpoints, we can gain new insights, challenge our assumptions, and develop a more well-rounded understanding of a given subject. Here are some ways in which adopting different perspectives can be helpful:

  1. Enhance empathy and understanding: By putting ourselves in another person’s shoes, we can better understand their experiences, emotions, and motivations. This increased understanding can lead to improved relationships and a greater sense of empathy.
  2. Facilitate problem-solving and decision-making: Considering various perspectives can help us identify potential challenges, generate new ideas, and develop innovative solutions. This approach can lead to more effective decision-making and improved outcomes.
  3. Encourage personal growth: Challenging our beliefs and assumptions by adopting different perspectives can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. By examining our own thought processes, we can identify areas where we may need to adapt or grow.
  4. Improve communication skills: Understanding different perspectives can help us communicate more effectively with others, as we can better appreciate their viewpoints and tailor our message to resonate with them.
  5. Foster creativity and innovation: By exposing ourselves to diverse viewpoints, we can stimulate our own creative thinking and generate new ideas. This can lead to more innovative solutions, both personally and professionally.

How To Practice Shifting Viewpoints

ChatGPT4(continued): To practice adopting different perspectives, you can:

  1. Actively seek out and engage with people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints.
  2. Read widely from various sources, including books, articles, and essays that challenge your existing beliefs.
  3. Reflect on your own thoughts and assumptions, and consider how they might differ from those of others.
  4. Practice active listening and open-mindedness when engaging in conversations with others.
  5. Participate in activities, such as role-playing exercises or debate clubs, that encourage perspective-taking.

By consistently practicing and embracing this approach, you can enhance your ability to adopt different perspectives and enrich your understanding of the world.

Prompt: That’s funny. I was just about to mention to you something along the lines of “By consistently practicing and embracing this approach, you can enhance your ability to adopt different perspectives and enrich your understanding of the world.” Only I was looking at assuming different viewpoints (or perspectives) as a means to become more fluid in terms of perspectives that can be embraced without freaking out.

ChatGPT4: Apologies if my previous response didn’t directly address your focus on becoming more fluid in adopting different perspectives without feeling overwhelmed. Embracing multiple viewpoints can indeed help us become more adaptable and comfortable in various situations, reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of ease.

Here are some suggestions to help you become more fluid in assuming different perspectives without feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Start small: Begin by exposing yourself to minor differences in opinion or perspective. As you become more comfortable with this process, gradually increase the complexity and diversity of the viewpoints you engage with.
  2. Focus on one perspective at a time: Instead of trying to consider multiple perspectives simultaneously, try to fully understand and embrace one viewpoint before moving on to the next. This can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and allow you to develop a deeper understanding of each perspective.
  3. Practice mindfulness and self-awareness: Becoming aware of your own thoughts, feelings, and reactions can help you recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed or resistant to new perspectives. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, can help you cultivate self-awareness and remain present and open-minded in the face of differing viewpoints.
  4. Be patient with yourself: Recognize that becoming more fluid in adopting different perspectives is a process that takes time and practice. Allow yourself the space to grow and learn without judgment or self-criticism.
  5. Build resilience: Developing resilience can help you better cope with the discomfort or anxiety that might arise when embracing new perspectives. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, visualization, or cognitive reframing can help you manage stress and build resilience.
  6. Create a support network: Surround yourself with people who encourage open-mindedness and are willing to explore different perspectives. Engaging in open, respectful discussions with others can help you become more comfortable with adopting various viewpoints.

By following these suggestions, you can gradually become more fluid in embracing different perspectives without feeling overwhelmed or anxious. This process can ultimately lead to increased adaptability, empathy, and a more nuanced understanding of the world around you.

Introducing Meta-View To ChatGPT

Prompt: Some people get nervous about shifting viewpoints because they have identified themselves as their viewpoint. And, it becomes a concern that they might lose themselves, lose who they are if they switch around their viewpoints. I have observed that for myself I have maintained balance by the use of what could be called a meta-viewpoint — or simply meta-view.

Is there anything you would add?

ChatGPT4: It’s true that some people strongly identify with their viewpoints, which can make it difficult for them to explore or adopt different perspectives. Your idea of using a meta-viewpoint or meta-view can be a helpful approach to address this concern. Here are a few additional suggestions to complement your meta-view strategy:

  1. Develop a growth mindset: Encourage yourself and others to adopt a growth mindset, which involves the belief that personal qualities and viewpoints can change and develop over time. This can make it easier to explore different perspectives without feeling threatened.
  2. Emphasize shared values and goals: When exploring different viewpoints, remind yourself and others of the shared values and goals that underlie these perspectives. This can create a sense of common ground and make it easier to engage with alternative viewpoints without feeling like you’re losing your sense of self.
  3. Cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion: Becoming more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions can help you recognize when you’re identifying too strongly with a particular viewpoint. Self-compassion involves being kind and understanding towards yourself when you encounter challenges or setbacks, which can make it easier to explore different perspectives without feeling threatened.
  4. Focus on the process, not the outcome: Emphasize the importance of engaging with different perspectives as a means of personal growth and learning, rather than focusing on arriving at a specific conclusion or outcome. This can reduce the pressure to maintain a fixed viewpoint and encourage more open-minded exploration.
  5. Recognize the limits of any single perspective: Remind yourself that no single viewpoint can capture the full complexity of reality. Acknowledging this limitation can make it easier to consider alternative perspectives without feeling like you’re betraying your sense of self.

By incorporating these additional strategies along with your meta-view approach, you can create a more flexible and adaptive mindset that allows for the exploration of different perspectives without feeling threatened or overwhelmed. This can ultimately lead to a more nuanced understanding of the world and promote personal growth and self-discovery.

A Lesson From My QM Training

Prompt: Thank you for that. I suppose that one thing which makes it easier for me to embrace the shifting of viewpoints is my experience with studying Quantum Mechanics in graduate school. We started with the viewpoint of Bohr, then we dropped that and shifted to Heisenberg’s viewpoint, then we dropped that and switched to Schrodinger’s viewpoint. After going through many, many replacements of existing views with new view points advertised and the “correct” viewpoint, it dawned on me that there was no absolute view on quantum mechanics that would not be eventually replaced.

ChatGPT4: Your experience with studying Quantum Mechanics in graduate school provides an excellent example of how shifting between different viewpoints can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of complex subjects. In fields like physics, where our understanding is constantly evolving, it’s especially important to maintain an open mind and be willing to adapt our perspectives as new information becomes available.

The realization that there is no absolute viewpoint on quantum mechanics is a valuable insight that can be applied to many other areas of life. Here are a few key takeaways from your experience that can be helpful in embracing the shifting of viewpoints:

  1. Appreciate the value of diverse perspectives: Each viewpoint, whether it’s Bohr’s, Heisenberg’s, or Schrödinger’s, offers unique insights and contributions to our understanding of the subject. By considering multiple perspectives, we can develop a more well-rounded and holistic understanding.
  2. Recognize the dynamic nature of knowledge: Our understanding of the world is constantly evolving, and what we consider to be “correct” today may be replaced by new insights in the future. Embracing this fluidity can help us remain open-minded and adaptive in the face of change.
  3. Embrace uncertainty: In complex subjects like quantum mechanics, there may be no definitive answers or absolute truths. Learning to embrace uncertainty and appreciate the inherent complexity of these subjects can help us develop a more nuanced and flexible worldview.
  4. Develop intellectual humility: Recognizing that our own viewpoints and beliefs may be subject to change can foster a sense of intellectual humility, making it easier to explore alternative perspectives without feeling threatened.
  5. Foster curiosity and a love of learning: By approaching the shifting of viewpoints as an opportunity for personal growth and learning, we can develop a more positive and curious attitude towards the exploration of new ideas and perspectives.

Applying these lessons to other areas of life can help us become more comfortable with the idea of shifting viewpoints and promote a more flexible, adaptive, and open-minded approach to understanding the world around us.

Attempting a Poke In A Different Direction

Prompt: As you mentioned earlier in this conversation, if I may paraphrase, your apparent knowledge and advice is the result of exposure to a large quantity of writings. “I have been trained on a vast amount of text from various sources, including books, articles, and websites” This would tend to suggest that many people share these perspectives. Which makes it odd that so few people practice these things.

ChatGPT4: It is indeed true that many of the perspectives and ideas I have shared with you are drawn from a wide range of sources and are likely shared by many people. However, there can be several reasons why individuals might not consistently practice these ideas in their daily lives:

  1. Awareness and exposure: Some people may not be aware of these perspectives or have had limited exposure to them. This can be due to a variety of factors, including cultural, educational, or personal experiences.
  2. Habit and inertia: People often develop habits and routines in their thinking and behavior, which can make it difficult to change or adopt new practices. Breaking old habits and embracing new ways of thinking requires conscious effort and persistence.
  3. Fear and resistance to change: Change can be challenging and sometimes uncomfortable, leading people to resist adopting new perspectives or practices. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of losing one’s sense of self can all contribute to resistance to change.
  4. Cognitive biases: People are susceptible to various cognitive biases that can limit their ability to consider alternative perspectives or adopt new practices. These biases can include confirmation bias (seeking information that confirms one’s existing beliefs), status quo bias (preferring the familiar over the unfamiliar), and cognitive dissonance (experiencing discomfort when confronted with conflicting ideas).
  5. Social and environmental influences: The people and environments we surround ourselves with can significantly influence our thoughts and behaviors. If an individual’s social circle or environment doesn’t encourage open-mindedness, adaptability, or personal growth, it can be more challenging to adopt these practices.
  6. Time and resource constraints: People often face competing demands on their time and resources, which can make it difficult to prioritize personal growth and self-improvement. This can lead to a focus on more immediate concerns or perceived necessities, rather than long-term growth and development.

While there may be numerous reasons why people do not practice these perspectives and ideas consistently, it is essential to remember that personal growth and development are ongoing processes. By recognizing the barriers to change and addressing them proactively, individuals can make progress in adopting and integrating these perspectives into their lives.

Some Strategies Re: Blockages

Prompt: I agree that by recognizing the barriers to change and addressing them proactively” people could make better progress. Would you please address the 6 reasons why individuals might not consistently practice these ideas in their daily lives, list the title of each of these 6 reasons along with some suggestions on how to deal with these blockages.

ChatGPT4: Certainly! Here’s a summary of the six reasons mentioned earlier, along with suggestions on how to address each of these blockages:

  1. Awareness and exposure:
    Seek out diverse sources of information, including books, articles, podcasts, and videos that cover various perspectives and ideas.
    Attend workshops, seminars, or classes that focus on personal growth, open-mindedness, and embracing change.
    Engage in conversations with people from different backgrounds and with different viewpoints.
  2. Habit and inertia:
    Set clear and specific goals for personal growth and development.
    Develop a daily routine that includes activities focused on self-improvement, such as journaling, meditation, or reading.
    Use habit-forming techniques like habit stacking (pairing a new habit with an existing one) and setting reminders to reinforce new practices.
  3. Fear and resistance to change:
    Reflect on the underlying fears or concerns that may be holding you back and develop strategies to address them.
    Break down larger changes into smaller, more manageable steps to make them less intimidating.
    Seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can provide encouragement and guidance during the change process.
  4. Cognitive biases:
    Learn about common cognitive biases and develop strategies to counteract them, such as practicing critical thinking and engaging in active listening.
    Challenge your assumptions and beliefs by exposing yourself to diverse perspectives and ideas.
    Develop self-awareness and mindfulness practices to help recognize and overcome biases.
  5. Social and environmental influences:
    Surround yourself with people who support your personal growth and share your values.
    Limit exposure to negative influences or environments that may hinder your growth.
    Actively seek out communities, groups, or organizations that encourage open-mindedness, adaptability, and personal development.
  6. Time and resource constraints:
    Prioritize personal growth by setting aside dedicated time for self-improvement activities, even if it’s just a few minutes each day.
    Use tools and resources like time management apps, productivity techniques, and goal-setting frameworks to help you allocate time and resources more effectively.
    Identify and eliminate non-essential activities or tasks that may be consuming valuable time and energy that could be redirected towards personal growth.

By addressing these barriers proactively, individuals can make significant progress in integrating these perspectives and ideas into their daily lives and overcoming obstacles to personal growth and development.

Back To The Meta-View

Prompt: If I may suggest, I believe that discovering within one’s self a meta-view and using it as a touchstone could help reduce the resistance to allowing change of lesser viewpoints.

ChatGPT4: You’re absolutely right. Developing and utilizing a meta-view within oneself can indeed help reduce resistance to change and make it easier to adopt new perspectives or ideas. A meta-view essentially serves as an overarching framework that guides our understanding and approach to the world while allowing for flexibility and growth in our individual viewpoints.

Here are some ways in which cultivating a meta-view can help with embracing change and adopting new perspectives:

  1. Encourages adaptability: A meta-view allows you to maintain an open-minded and flexible approach to various perspectives, reducing the need to cling to a specific viewpoint.
  2. Provides a sense of stability: By having a meta-view as a touchstone, you can maintain a sense of stability and consistency in your overall understanding of the world, even as you explore and adopt new perspectives.
  3. Promotes personal growth: A meta-view encourages self-reflection and self-awareness, fostering a growth mindset and a continuous process of learning and development.
  4. Facilitates understanding and empathy: By recognizing that each perspective is a part of a broader context, a meta-view can help you develop a greater understanding of and empathy for different viewpoints.
  5. Reduces fear and anxiety: Having a meta-view can help alleviate fears or anxieties associated with changing viewpoints by providing a broader context in which these changes can be seen as a natural part of personal growth and development.

To cultivate a meta-view, consider engaging in activities that promote self-awareness, reflection, and open-mindedness, such as meditation, journaling, or participating in discussions with people who hold diverse perspectives. By developing a meta-view as a touchstone, you can create a more adaptable and resilient mindset that embraces change and fosters personal growth.

Prompt: With all due respect, I believe for the moment I would change the phrase “developing a meta-view” to something like “discovering your meta-view” or “revealing to yourself your meta-view”. For me that is a better working model for the genesis of the meta-view. Meaning that it is somehow there and it is our job to uncover it. Rather than to assemble a meta-view from spare parts.

ChatGPT4: Apologies for any confusion, and thank you for the clarification. Your suggested phrasing of “discovering your meta-view” or “revealing to yourself your meta-view” indeed emphasizes the idea that the meta-view is an inherent aspect of our understanding that needs to be uncovered rather than constructed from scratch. This perspective can make the process of embracing change and adopting new viewpoints feel more natural and authentic.

Here are some suggestions on how to discover or reveal your meta-view:

  1. Engage in introspection: Reflect on your thoughts, beliefs, and values, as well as your approach to understanding and interacting with the world. This can help you identify the underlying framework that guides your perspective.
  2. Practice mindfulness and meditation: Mindfulness and meditation can help you become more aware of your thought patterns and develop a deeper understanding of your meta-view.
  3. Journaling: Writing about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings can help you gain insight into your meta-view by revealing patterns and themes in your thinking.
  4. Seek feedback from others: Engaging in open and honest conversations with friends, family, or mentors can provide valuable insights into your meta-view and help you uncover aspects that may not be immediately apparent to you.
  5. Examine your reactions to change and new perspectives: Analyze your emotional and cognitive responses to new ideas or changes in your life to better understand the guiding principles of your meta-view.

By focusing on discovering or revealing your meta-view, you can uncover the inherent framework that helps you navigate the complexities of life and embrace change with greater ease and authenticity.

In Conclusion

Well, it is becoming pretty obvious that ChatGPT will jump at any opportunity to give of list. Any excuse of a list and ChatGPT is all over it.

It is my working hypothesis that the meta-view is informed by, or a direct result of the essential self. However, this wasn’t the opportunity for that discussion.

It seems that without special preparation ChatGPT gets  weird when spirituality, metaphysics, and the like are brought up. And by weird I means every response begins with “I am just a lowly AI Language Model etc. and so forth.”

There are ways around that. More later.