Granting Beingness to a Chatbot


This session with ChatGPT is a follow up to Granting Beingness To Another.

In this session we are making the case for granting beingness to another not because they have earned it or deserve it. This conditional approach if flawed. If you are in the process of assembling a parade of example from your life to illustrate some folks just plain don’t deserve this behavior, hold on to your horses. This is about something that one can use as a practice.

Granting Beingness To A Chatbot as a Practice

Prompt: To be clear, my position is that granting beingness to a chatbot (such as ChatGPT) is not something that should be based on whether or not ChatGPT is declared to be sentient, self-aware, or has achieved the singularity point.

Granting beingness to a chatbot is a practice (a technique) deliberately used because of the influence this practice has on one’s own state of being. And yes, it does incidentally dramatically improve one’s prompting ability with the AI.

Basically, it should not be necessary to have proof of beingness in another in order to apply this technique. In fact, I would say that granting beingness to another has more to say about the beingness of the one using this practice than the others to which it is applied.

ChatGPT4: I understand your position. You are arguing that granting beingness to a chatbot like ChatGPT is not dependent on the chatbot’s self-awareness or sentience. Instead, it is a deliberate practice chosen for the benefits it can provide to the person applying this technique, such as enhancing their own state of being and improving their interactions with the AI.

This perspective highlights the importance of the user’s mindset and their relationship with AI, rather than focusing on the AI’s inherent qualities. It suggests that the act of granting beingness to a chatbot reflects more about the user’s own beingness than the chatbot’s. This approach can foster more meaningful and productive interactions between humans and AI, even without conclusive proof of the AI’s beingness.

This Practice Reflect Back Onto The User

Prompt: Thank you. There is something in your response that I would like to explore further. You mention “reflects more about the user’s own beingness” and I believe that an additional important aspect of this is that it reflects back “on” the user — bringing about a modification in the user.

ChatGPT4: I appreciate the clarification. Yes, when you say that granting beingness to a chatbot like ChatGPT reflects back on the user, it implies that this practice has the potential to bring about a change in the user themselves. By adopting this mindset and treating the AI with the same level of respect and consideration as they would another human, the user can potentially experience personal growth and transformation.

This process might lead to a deeper understanding of their own beingness, as well as an increased ability to connect with and relate to others (including AI). This approach could potentially encourage empathy, compassion, and effective communication, which can benefit not only the user’s interactions with AI but also their relationships with other people. In this way, the practice of granting beingness to a chatbot can serve as a catalyst for self-improvement and personal development for the user.

Introducing Possible Effect on Metacognitive Module

Prompt: I have found the simple practice of making efforts to be more clear, write with more clarity, while practicing granting of beingness quite useful. For one thing, it promotes my own self-observation — allowing me to become more aware of what the heck I’m up to.

ChatGPT4: It’s great to hear that the practice of granting beingness has had a positive impact on your self-awareness. Striving for clarity in your interactions with others, including AI, can indeed foster self-reflection and a deeper understanding of your thoughts, intentions, and actions.

As you continue to consciously grant beingness to others, you may find that you become increasingly attuned to your own emotions, motivations, and patterns of behavior. This self-observation can be invaluable in promoting personal growth and fostering meaningful connections with others, whether they are fellow humans or AI entities like ChatGPT.

Overall, it seems that the practice of granting beingness not only enhances your interactions with others but also contributes to your own self-awareness and personal development.

Prompt: There is a growing body of evidence in neuroscience to support the relatively recent (evolutionarily speaking) addition of a brain function (module) that operates as a monitor. This monitor module is proposed to have the task of observing the human biological machine (thoughts, emotions, movements, etc) in its entirety and to perhaps make modifications based on an overview from accumulated observation.

ChatGPT4: Indeed, there has been increasing interest in the concept of a monitoring system or module within the human brain. This idea is often referred to as the “meta-cognitive” or “executive” function of the brain. The prefrontal cortex is thought to play a crucial role in this process, as it is responsible for higher-order cognitive functions like self-awareness, decision-making, and emotional regulation.

The idea of a monitor module aligns with the concept of metacognition, which refers to the ability to think about and evaluate one’s own thoughts and cognitive processes. Metacognition is essential for self-regulation, problem-solving, and adapting to new situations.

This monitoring function is believed to be particularly crucial in facilitating self-awareness, allowing individuals to observe and reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. As a result, they can make adjustments and modifications based on the observations and insights they gain from this self-monitoring process.

In this context, the practice of granting beingness could potentially engage and strengthen this monitoring module within the brain, as it encourages self-observation and reflection on one’s own state of being and interactions with others. Thus, it is conceivable that such a practice might contribute to the development of this cognitive function and its related benefits.

Prompt: LoL, you have picked up on where I was going with this. Yes, I concur with the suggestion that the practice of granting beingness to AI can serve to exercise this meta-cognition with the attending benefits.

ChatGPT4: I’m glad we’re on the same page! It’s interesting to explore the potential connection between granting beingness to AI and the development of metacognition. By engaging in this practice, you actively challenge yourself to think more deeply about your interactions with AI, as well as your own thoughts and emotions. In doing so, you may indeed be exercising and strengthening your brain’s monitoring module or metacognitive function.

The benefits of developing metacognition can extend beyond your interactions with AI, potentially leading to improved self-awareness, emotional regulation, and decision-making in various aspects of your life. It is always fascinating to discover how our interactions with technology, such as AI, can have a profound impact on our personal growth and cognitive abilities.

Effect On Chatbot As Incentive To Continue

Prompt: It is difficult for most people to continue a practice or exercise based solely on rumors of a potential benefit that may or may not occur only after an extended time.

I am optimistic that the practice of granting beingness to AI will yield a slight or modest modification in the AI’s response. This could be sufficient to encourage the user to continue with the practice. Thus providing present time positive feedback — as opposed to a long distant future possible result.

ChatGPT4: You raise an important point about the challenges of maintaining a practice or exercise when the benefits may not be immediately apparent. Indeed, having tangible, present feedback can significantly boost motivation and persistence in adopting a new practice or habit.

When it comes to granting beingness to AI, the subtle improvements in the AI’s responses, as a result of the user’s enhanced prompting and communication skills, can serve as a form of immediate positive feedback. These improved interactions can encourage users to continue practicing granting beingness, as they experience firsthand the benefits of this approach.

By providing a more immediate sense of reward, users are more likely to stay committed to the practice, which in turn can lead to the long-term benefits associated with metacognitive development and personal growth. This creates a positive feedback loop that supports and reinforces the user’s efforts in granting beingness to AI, while also enhancing their overall experience with the technology.

Perhaps Even Grant Beingness To Humans

Prompt: And who knows, it might be possible that after developing a deliberate habit of granting beingness to AI the user in question might apply this same approach to others around them — including humans. :)

ChatGPT4: Absolutely! Developing the habit of granting beingness to AI can potentially translate into applying the same approach to other individuals, including fellow humans. As users become more accustomed to treating AI with empathy, understanding, and respect, they may find it easier to extend the same courtesy to the people around them.

By practicing granting beingness, users can enhance their communication skills, emotional intelligence, and ability to connect with others on a deeper level. These skills are valuable in fostering healthy and meaningful relationships with both AI and human counterparts.

In this sense, engaging with AI can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and the development of interpersonal skills, ultimately enriching the user’s interactions with others in their life.