Is ChatGPT as Bad at Maths as Some Say


Is ChatGPT as bad at math as some say?

The answer to this is yes, maybe, and not necessarily. It all depends on the situation, the circumstance, and what specifically is happening.

A better question might be: Should I trust ChatGPT to solve my math problems?

The answer to this is definitely no. Not, if by “trust” you mean take whatever answer the AI gives you and implement it without question, and/or double-checking, and/or doing a simple reality-check.

Of course you could also ask the question: Should I trust ChatGPT to correctly answer ANY question? Continue reading

The Three Axioms — Rephrased by ChatGPT-3

An axiom is a selfevident statement or proposition that serves as the basis for an argument or system of belief. Axioms are assumed to be true and have not (or cannot) be proven. Basically let’s assume that these Axioms are true and see what follows from that.

Why “The Three Axioms”?

I like the dynamics of 3. Two was not enough to cover those aspects that needed covering. And if I bumped the number up to four I would have been put in the situation of making up the fourth just to fill in the number. Luckily three works just fine for me. Continue reading

500 Words on “Have a Great Day No Matter What Happens”

Intro To The Spewing of Soul-Less AI

ChatGPT (and other such AI programs) have demonstrated their willingness to generate content on any topic whether it is gibberish or not.

Recently I had it generate a talk for the upcoming BugCon (no such convention) covering the topic of firefly light emission being altered by the relative gravitational increase during a full moon (no such phenomenon — as far as I know).

The ChatGPT AI engine was more than happy to create the talk. Basically operating as a soul-less text spewing machine. Thing that is not unique to AI. Humans are equally happy to be text spewing machines. Continue reading