ChatGPT Writes a Poem

Well, ChatGPT seems to have fared better at a poem than the utter flop it made of the attempt as a joke. Sorry, not sure what the proper pronouns are for ChatGPT.

Me to ChatGPT: What are your pronouns?

ChatGPT: I am an artificial intelligence and do not have a gender or pronouns. You can refer to me as “it” if you would like. Is there anything else I can help with?

Okay, on with the poem… Continue reading

ChatGPT Tries To Make A Joke

This did not go so well. However, in fairness to ChatGPT this punchline is one that many comedians have failed to resolve.

Tell a joke with the punch line “Hot or cold he’s out of here in the morning.”

Sure! Here’s a joke with that punchline:
Why did the polar bear break up with his girlfriend?
Hot or cold, he’s out of here in the morning!

Thanks, but that is a riddle. I was hoping for more of a funny story type of joke.

I’m sorry if my previous response didn’t meet your expectations. Here’s a different joke with the punchline you requested:

A man checked into a hotel and asked for a room with a good view. The receptionist gave him a room on the top floor with a beautiful view of the surrounding area.

The next morning, the man checked out and asked the receptionist, “How much do I owe you?”

The receptionist replied, “The room was $100 per night and you stayed one night, so the total comes to $100.”

The man said, “But I was only here for one night. I checked in yesterday morning and checked out this morning.”

The receptionist replied, “Yes, that’s correct. The room is $100 per night.”

The man argued, “But I was only here for a few hours. I should only have to pay for a few hours.”

The receptionist said, “I’m sorry, but our policy is that the room is $100 per night, regardless of how long you stay. Hot or cold, you’re out of here in the morning.”

A Conversation With ChatGPT

Below is a record of a conversation I had with the OpenAI trained chatbot called ChatGPT.

Me: I read that human cognitive experience is .5 seconds delayed from present time. Can you explain how this is known?

ChatGPT: It’s true that human cognitive experience is typically thought to be slightly delayed compared to the present moment, but the exact amount of delay is not well-established and there is some disagreement among researchers about the precise amount of delay. Some studies have suggested that the delay may be as short as 100 milliseconds, while others have found evidence for a longer delay of around half a second. Continue reading

A Letter On Work of Groups

I recently found this letter written by myself in the mid 1980s to myself in 1978.


As you are no doubt aware even after the most cursory observation, you cannot hold an aim steadily for more than a few minutes, hours, or maybe days. I don’t recall an example of the latter but let’s give you the benefit of the doubt. Even so, you cannot maintain attention on a project for the months and years required for voluntary evolution.

Voluntary evolution is not a quick and easy process. If I told you the actual time required to evolve to any significant degree you would find it to hard to believe. Let it suffice to say that it takes at least years. Continue reading

A More Inclusive Approach to WTF

Anxiety, Depression, and WTF — have you noticed a general and dramatic increase in these types of conditions?  Well, I have. At least there is a noticeable uptick in the number of people that reach out asking for help.

I am not a therapist, life coach, pill pusher, nor a medical practitioner of any sort. I have spent 70+ years walking about on planet  Urth in a monkey suit — and I am somewhat familiar with each of the alluded to conditions.

I truly wish you well and good speed in finding help. However, this blog is not designed to point you toward that help.

Rather, this blog’s sole purpose is to introduce the notion that there are many places that deserve investigation as a part of your overall process. Continue reading