Moving the Needle

The Setup

“Move the needle” is an expression that conjures a powerful visual metaphor for making progress towards a goal. It’s especially useful for conceptualizing progress on goals that are large-scale, or those requiring a long span of time and/or substantial effort to complete.

However, tracking progress isn’t always as simple as observing a gauge or meter. Some goals are of such a nature that measuring progress is challenging, if not downright elusive.

Here is a possible solution. Determine sub-tasks that are component parts or contributing factors for the completion of the target grand goal. Continue reading

Can ChatGPT Be Trusted?


For ChatGPT the word “trust” carries with it certain baggage. Namely, asking ChatGPT whether or not it can be trusted interjects issues about whether or not ChatGPT can have beliefs, consciousness, on intentions.

As you will read below, ChatGPT will suggest it can be trusted to do what it does. And, it goes on to describe what it does.

When pressed for clarification specifically on the topic of whether one should use content from a ChatGPT response without cross-checking, confirming, and generally applying the Gezertenplatz Method to verify the content, ChatGPT will tell you “user beware.” Continue reading

Challenges to Cultivating Gratitude

Challenges people face when trying to cultivate gratitude.

One approach to the cultivation of gratitude is to look for and appreciate the many reasons in our life for which we can be grateful. This requires targets, reasons and is conditional.

Here are some of the common obstacles and suggested strategies to overcome them: Continue reading

What Really Happens When You Die?


With some poking and prodding ChatGPT4 gives us a survey of various perspectives on death and what happens after.

[Note: ChatGPT is not a scholar. Nor is it a learned individual. ChatGPT is a large language model. This means that it will give us a response created as a construction of most likely words following words following words. I haven’t put in the time to verify each and every one of the facts in this particular chat session. That means you must either take these responses with a grain of salt. Or, you should put  in the work to verify yourself. Definitely don’t take a chat AI’s word for it. For myself I have taken this as a curiosity to be explored later on my own — as I am able.] Continue reading